Laura began volunteering at our Charity shop after moving to Aberdeen whilst on maternity leave and unsure what her plans were to return to work.

Feeling a little low in confidence and anxious to balance motherhood and work she reached out and volunteered, on our shop floor one day a week. Her tasks included meeting and greeting customers, arranging products, and cashing out transactions. Laura say “It was a great opportunity to meet new people and build up my confidence in a work place again”

Laura worked closely with the shop manager Karen and a range of other volunteers, taking in and displaying donations received from the community of Aberdeen.  Laura say, “As someone who never shopped in a charity shops before, I was absolutely amazed by the quality and condition of the items that were donated, The Home-Start charity shop is now the first place I look for gifts or when updating my daughters wardrobe”

Our charity shop is looking for more volunteers, if like Laura are looking to get back into the work place or be more involved with your community, contact Karen on [email protected]  or 01224 622390

All monies raised go directly to supporting Aberdeen children and their families.