Will you help us to #KeepThePromise?
In 2020, Scotland made a promise that all children would grow up loved, safe, and respected. Scotland made this promise following the Independent Care Review which demonstrated that the “care system” wasn’t working and by 2030, this promise must be kept.
Home-Start Aberdeen has been a dedicated supporter of this promise, but I realise that many people remain unaware of it. On June 20th, The Promise Scotland published Plan 24-30, providing an update on the progress made so far and outlining the route map of who needs to do what by when to #KeepThePromise.
This launch of Plan 24-30 offers a moment for reflection and reaffirms our commitment at Home-Start Aberdeen to do everything possible to support Scotland’s children. So, it seemed the ideal opportunity for me to raise awareness of the Promise and what we can all do to keep it.
At Home-Start Aberdeen, we’re proud to form part of the workforce that cares for children and their families. We see first-hand the benefits and positive outcomes which are possible when children are loved, safe and respected. Our volunteer-led model allows for families and children to access compassionate and empathetic support when they need it, for as long as they need it. Wherever it is safe to do so, we want to support families to raise their children without being placed in “care”. We also want to ensure that care-experienced adults are reassured and empowered as they become parents themselves and that they have a support network to call on should they need it.
But as a small local charity, we also see and feel the significant barriers and risks which must be overcome if we’re to deliver these positive outcomes for Aberdeen’s, and Scotland’s, children. And that is why I want to highlight two areas of particularly high risk from Plan 24-30: resources and voice.
“There is a risk that public finances and capacity remain focused on failure demand rather than preventative or upstream activities…”
In Aberdeen, more and more children and families are living in conditions that bring them closer to the “care system”. Reduced public services, coupled with the ongoing impact of the cost-of-living crisis puts additional pressure on household budgets which simply can’t be tightened further. The third sector workforce is also facing extreme pressure due to increased demand and diminishing resources.
To address this risk, I agree with The Promise Scotland that focus must be on very young children and that support for families should routinely begin pre-birth. We must ensure that decision makers, funders and colleagues in all sectors understand the importance of the early years of parenting and preventative, holistic support as the most effective and cost-efficient method to support Scotland’s children.
“There is a risk that the care experienced community’s voice is not at the heart of the changes needed to keep Plan 24-30.”
Babies, infants and young children are the most likely to be removed from their families. Capturing their voice is difficult, and getting decision makers to hear their voice is even more so. If we are to #KeepThePromise, we must recognise the voices of children and families in their individual context and focus our interactions on supporting families to care for their children as independently as possible.
At Home-Start Aberdeen we always look for ways to capture the views of children and care experienced people. We proudly share the views of supported families and do what we can to provide a platform for their voices to be heard above or alongside our own. To address the risk of voices going unheard, I agree with The Promise Scotland that time must be given to explore and understand how to involve children, families and young people in the design, delivery and evaluation of services. This depends on mutual trust and strong connections, which cannot be rushed.
The road to 2030 is still long and a lot remains uncertain, but at Home-Start Aberdeen, we remain committed to doing all that we can to #KeepThePromise and we will continue to advocate for children and families, to raise awareness of their needs and plans, such as Plan 24-30, to meet those needs and elevate those voices which need to be heard.
I call on business leaders, policymakers, colleagues and community members to join us in this vital mission. Your support can make a significant difference in keeping the promise to Scotland’s children.
Together, we can promise that every child in Scotland grows up loved, safe, and respected.
Will you help us #KeepThePromise?
Learn more about Home-Start Aberdeen and the stories from the families we support on our website: HOME – Home-Start Aberdeen (homestartaberdeen.org.uk)
Discover the Promise – The Promise
Explore Plan 24-30 – Home : Plan 24-30 (plan2430.scot)
Learn more about Keeping the Promise in Aberdeen – #KeepThePromise in Aberdeen – ACVO TSI